Shop at your leisure via out website. Add everything you need to your basket. When you check out simply choose delivery or click and collect, and we’ll do the rest.
We’ll take your order, give you your order number and arrange a collection time, or discuss your delivery options. The choice is yours.
Send us your order and please remember to include your phone number and whether you want delivery or to collect. We’ll process the order and get back to you with your order number.
Pick and pack
Leave this to us; you can go about your day and don’t need to worry about this stage. The warehouse team will pick all the items on your order, and package them up ready for collection or delivery.
We’ll email you when your order is ready to be collected. You only need to visit once you receive this email.
Come to the depot and let us know you’re here. You’ll need to tell us the order number, and we can take payment if you have not already paid.
We’ll take you to your order and you’re free to take it away and get on with the job.
Once your order has been picked and packed and is ready to go, we’ll email you so you know your items are on their way.
If you opt for delivery, we’ll arrange for the items to be delivered to your door in a safe way. In the interest of safety, we ask that you please listen to any guidance your delivery driver gives you.
Collection hours
We’re open for collections to be arranged between the following hours:
Monday: 07:30 – 17:00
Tuesday: 07:30 – 17:00
Wednesday: 07:30 – 17:00
Thursday: 07:30 – 17:00
Friday: 07:30 – 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 13:00
Sunday: closed
Email orders can be placed at anytime, however please note we can only get back to you during our opening hours.
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