Build Diary: Guardian Home Extension – Week Six

Sep 23, 2020 | Build Diaries | 0 comments

Build Diary: Guardian Home Extension

Week six in the diary of a Guardian Home Extension build in Dublin.
It’s week six of Sara and Stephen’s Guardian Home Extension with VELUX roof windows build and the big news is that this is our final week with them. Internal decoration was completed this week, whilst outside the supporting wall was rendered and patio laid.

If you missed the previous instalments, you might want to catch up on Guardian Home Extension: Week Four Build Diary. Read on to see how week six went.

Let’s hear from the homeowner

It’s safe to safe that we are elated with how this build has gone. It seems surreal that only a few months ago we bought this house, and now we have completely transformed it with a Guardian Home Extension.

At the start of this project, family and friend were dubious that we could get this much done in such a short space of time. Even we were a little unsure as to whether it was feasible, especially with a baby on the way. But… the build is completed, we’re in, and we absolutely love it.


Homeowner, Dublin

Build week six

We ended last week internal elements of Guardian Home Extension decoration underway, and the outside landscaping has begun. This week has been all about finishing. Whether that’s completing inside, or the patio outside, it’s the final push towards completion. Week six has seen:

  • Inside decor completed.
  • Retaining wall built and rendered.
  • Patio laid.

Day one

Day one of the final week saw the outside space become what can be described as organised chaos. By the end of the day however, the lawn retaining wall was raised up and ready for rendering.

Day two

To complete the messy jobs before the patio slabs were laid, the retaining wall was rendered on day two. The crisp white render transformed what was a bland block wall into a modern garden wall that tied perfectly with the Guardian Home Extension finish.

Day three

With the retaining wall rendered and dry, it was back filled with soil to raise the lawn level slightly. Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, the patio slabs went down, instantly defining the space and making the area appear bigger.

Day four

The slabs for patio to the rear and path to the side of the house were completely finished and looking fantastic by the end of day four. The addition of a small path along the raised side of the retaining wall ties both levels together.

Day five

With the external patio down and clear, there was little worry about builders walking dirt through the house. Safe in the knowledge that it wouldn’t be damaged, by the end of day five the internal flooring was in place and the Guardian Home Extension build was completed.

A completed Guardian Home Extension in just six weeks

With Sara and Stephen kindly opening their home to us and allowing us to follow their Guardian Home Extension build, we hope we have been able to provide you with an in depth view of how quick an extension build can be.

Following this build highlights that you can go from bare grass, to having a rendered and tiled Guardian Home Extension with just four weeks on site build time. In just six weeks, Sara and Stephen have extended their usable living space, and completely transformed their home.

Speak to us

David O'Brien

David O'Brien

Sales Manager

David has worked on numerous builds involving the SIP system used in the Guardian Home Extension. If you want to know more about this project, or Celuplast’s product range, speak with David now.

Telephone: 087 294 9649

LinkedIn: David’s profile

Message David directly

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